I am Avishai Simchovitch, a Berlin based artist.

I enjoy the cinematic arts, from screenwriting to production and post-production.
Working as a line producer at The Hive Studio.

BFA - Bezalel Academy for Art and Design Jerusalem, 2020
The Screen Based Art Department
Stop-Motion animation specialization

Selected projects I produced:
Yoni The Caveman - A web-series by Avishai Simchovitch, Dana Petrov and Avi Kutzkel (in Development)
Butterfly Kiss - A short by Zohar Dvir | Israeli-German Co-Production
Colostrum - A short by Yaniv and Margarita Linton (in production)
Flying Thoughts - A series by Yotam Galpaz (in production)
Swimming With Wings - A short by Daphna Awadish | Israeli-Dutch Co-Production
Summer MemoriesA series by Adam Yaniv (credited as assistant producer)
Fenesta Family - A web series (credited as assistant producer)